Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How many licks to the middle of a tootsie pop??

So, how many hours does it take to hammer on a rock? Scott has been hammering away at the rock in the middle of the road going on 4 days. Yesterday he talked to Jim (rental guy) about getting a new bit for the hammer as the original one broke twice after two weld jobs by Scott. Scott spent Saturday evening welding the broken bit back together.

The bit is so heavy that you can't lift it easily even when it is in two pieces!!

The progress today has been great. The lower part of the garden center is coming together and we will not have to buy any fill dirt or find some. They used all the dirt from the road and the junk VDOT dumped this past spring. The lower pad will have the mulch, rock, and other bulk items. Plus a turn-a-round area for the tractor trailers and the customers who have trailers for mulch pickup!!

Saturday evening, we were invited to a party of one of our clients. It was a great evening and we were showered with the highest of compliments of our work. We got it finished just in time as well. We are entering this project in the Keep Virginia Beautiful contest.

We are renting the mini excavator for the rest of the week. We will probably rent a much bigger excavator with hammer for the weekend.

That's all for now!!

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