Sunday, August 10, 2008

An almost road

Well we are on our way to getting the garden center off the ground. Scott & Andy got the road partially cut in, ran into a big shelf of rock about 60 feet long. Scott rented a rock hammer and a mini excavator with bucket attachment. Turns out the hammer is not as tough as those rocks and the pin kept falling out and finally he broke the hammer, welded it back together three times and broke it all three times. So, tomorrow hopefully the rental place will have a solution to the broken hammer bit.

We got the silt fence up and in place along the front of the property.

Then the sky opened up and we had to quit for the day plus the bucket on the mini x was all busted up, 2 teeth missing and a piece of steel ripped off. To later find out the same piece of steel was welded previously.

Tomorrow hopefully we will have some gravel and a lot more progess. We did get to use all of the fill for the lower pad.

I need to scan the site plan in here!!

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